Supported Charities
Toadally takes great pride in helping causes that we care about. HAPPA and the Guide Dogs Associations do so much good work for our animals that we at Toadally feel if we can help even in the smallest way then it's a great start and hopefully our followers will agree that a small percentage of our sales will be sent on to our favourite charities.
We sponsor our own Guide dog called Bella she is in her first stages of training to becoming a great guide dog.
We also support Red Nose Day throughout the year by donating 10% of all our eBay sales. If you would rather choose Red Nose Day to the Guide Dogs or HAPPA charities, then please visit our eBay shop by following the link on our home page.
Thank you for supporting us and our favourite charities
Toadally Limited
We sponsor our own Guide dog called Bella she is in her first stages of training to becoming a great guide dog.
We also support Red Nose Day throughout the year by donating 10% of all our eBay sales. If you would rather choose Red Nose Day to the Guide Dogs or HAPPA charities, then please visit our eBay shop by following the link on our home page.
Thank you for supporting us and our favourite charities
Toadally Limited